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VO!D 4 Plus

AKhod | 2023-11-30 | 1007.8 KB | Downloads: 8516

PreviewPlatform: Android
Tone: Dark, Light
Interface: Touch
Surface: Mat

Тема на основе VO!D V

- макет телефон портрет: для доступа к панели управления плейлистом/медиатекой сдвинуть панель действий вверх.
- в остальных макетах: сдвинуть нижнюю панель.


eXense | 2024-01-05 | 484.2 KB | Downloads: 6973

PreviewPlatform: Android
App Version: v4.00 or newer
Tone: Dark, Middle, Light
Surface: Mat
Interface: Touch
Form: All-in-One

The sixth version of the skin, a playlist as the main screen, several color themes, there is an adaptive theme

Fyoosh v1.4

AJ | 2021-11-15 | 194.7 KB | Downloads: 76533

PreviewPlatform: Android
App Version: v3.20 or newer
Tone: Dark, Light, Middle
Surface: Mat
Interface: Touch, For CarPC

Based on Stellio's skins (main screen) and ZeoN7 skins

Brave v1.3.4

ZeoN7 | 2021-11-19 | 375.7 KB | Downloads: 104104

PreviewPlatform: Android
App Version: v3.20 or newer
Tone: Dark, Light
Surface: Mat
Interface: Touch

Super Black HD Max Color v2.0

WA | 2018-02-26 | 95.8 KB | Downloads: 124491

PreviewPlatform: Android
App Version: v2.70 or newer
Tone: Dark
Surface: Mat
Interface: Touch

Super Black HD Low Color
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